Python Interpreters Benchmarks
x64 ArchLinux : AMD® Ryzen 7 4700U®

 performance measurements

Each table row shows performance measurements for this program with a particular command-line input value N.

 N  CPU secs Elapsed secs Memory KB Code B ≈ CPU Load

Read the ↓ make, command line, and program output logs to see how this program was run.

Read  benchmark to see what this program should do.


  source code

# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
# contributed by anon
# modified by Pilho Kim (first GMP version)
# modified by 2to3 and Daniel Nanz

import sys
from itertools import islice
    from gmpy2 import mpz
except ImportError:
    from gmpy_cffi import mpz

(MPZ0, MPZ1, MPZ2, MPZ3, MPZ4, MPZ10) = (mpz(i) for i in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10))

def gen_x(zero=MPZ0, one=MPZ1, two=MPZ2, four=MPZ4):

    a, b, d = zero, two, one
    while True:
        a += one
        b += four
        d += two
        yield (a, b, zero, d)

def compose(q1, q2):

    a, b, c, d = q1
    e, f, g, h = q2
    return (a * e,  a * f + b * h,  c * e + d * g,  c * f + d * h)

def extract(q, j):
    a, b, c, d = q
    return (a * j + b) // (c * j + d)

def pi_digits(x=gen_x(), extr=extract, comp=compose, zero=MPZ0, 
              one=MPZ1, three=MPZ3, four=MPZ4, ten=MPZ10, mten=-MPZ10):

    z = (one, zero, zero, one)
    while True:
        y = extr(z, three)
        while y != extr(z, four):
            z = comp(z, next(x))
            y = extr(z, three)
        z = comp((ten, mten * y, zero, one), z)
        yield str(y)

def main(n, digits=pi_digits(), width=10, line='{}\t:{}'):

    for i in range(width, n+1, width):
        print(line.format(''.join(islice(digits, width)), i))
    if n % width > 0:
        print(line.format(''.join(islice(digits, n % width)).ljust(width), n))


 make, command-line, and program output logs

 Fri, 09 Sep 2022 06:05:07 GMT

 /usr/bin/pypy3 pidigits.pypy3-3.pypy3 10000



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pidigits.pypy3-3.pypy3", line 11, in <module>
    from gmpy2 import mpz
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gmpy2'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pidigits.pypy3-3.pypy3", line 13, in <module>
    from gmpy_cffi import mpz
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gmpy_cffi'

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