Python Interpreters Benchmarks
x64 ArchLinux : AMD® Ryzen 7 4700U®

 performance measurements

Each table row shows performance measurements for this Python dev program with a particular command-line input value N.

 N  CPU secs Elapsed secs Memory KB Code B ≈ CPU Load
6,000,000252.58184.2813,5041191  19% 19% 16% 18% 16% 16% 18% 10%

Read the ↓ make, command line, and program output logs to see how this program was run.

Read chameneos-redux benchmark to see what this program should do.


 chameneos-redux Python dev program source code

# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
# contributed by Daniel Nanz 2008-04-10
# 2to3

import sys
import _thread
import time

# colors and matching
creature_colors = ['blue', 'red', 'yellow']

def complement(c1, c2):

    if c1 == c2: return c1
    if c1 == 'blue':
        if c2 == 'red': return 'yellow'
        return 'red'
    if c1 == 'red':
        if c2 == 'blue': return 'yellow'
        return 'blue'
    if c2 == 'blue': return 'red'
    return 'blue'

compl_dict = dict(((c1, c2), complement(c1, c2))
                  for c1 in creature_colors
                  for c2 in creature_colors)

def check_complement(colors=creature_colors, compl=compl_dict):

    for c1 in colors:
        for c2 in colors:
            print('%s + %s -> %s' % (c1, c2, compl[(c1, c2)]))

# reporting
def spellout(n):
    numbers = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four',
               'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine']
    return ' ' + ' '.join(numbers[int(c)] for c in str(n))

def report(input_zoo, met, self_met):

    print(' ' + ' '.join(input_zoo))
    for m, sm in zip(met, self_met):
        print(str(m) + spellout(sm))
    print(spellout(sum(met)) + '\n')

# the zoo
def creature(my_id, venue, my_lock_acquire, in_lock_acquire, out_lock_release):

    while True:
        my_lock_acquire()   # only proceed if not already at meeting place
        in_lock_acquire()   # only proceed when holding in_lock
        venue[0] = my_id    # register at meeting place
        out_lock_release()  # signal "registration ok"

def let_them_meet(meetings_left, input_zoo,
                  compl=compl_dict, allocate=_thread.allocate_lock):
    # prepare
    c_no = len(input_zoo)
    venue = [-1]
    met = [0] * c_no
    self_met = [0] * c_no
    colors = input_zoo[:]
    in_lock = allocate()
    in_lock_acquire = in_lock.acquire     # function aliases
    in_lock_release = in_lock.release     # (minor performance gain)
    out_lock = allocate()
    out_lock_release = out_lock.release
    out_lock_acquire = out_lock.acquire
    locks = [allocate() for c in input_zoo]
    # let creatures wild
    for ci in range(c_no):
        args = (ci, venue, locks[ci].acquire, in_lock_acquire, out_lock_release)
        new = _thread.start_new_thread(creature, args)
    time.sleep(0.05)     # to reduce work-load imbalance
    in_lock_release()   # signal "meeting_place open for registration"
    out_lock_acquire()  # only proceed with a "registration ok" signal
    id1 = venue[0]
    while meetings_left > 0:
        id2 = venue[0]
        if id1 != id2:
            new_color = compl[(colors[id1], colors[id2])]
            colors[id1] = new_color
            colors[id2] = new_color
            met[id1] += 1
            met[id2] += 1
            self_met[id1] += 1
            met[id1] += 1
        meetings_left -= 1
        if meetings_left > 0:
            locks[id1].release()  # signal "you were kicked from meeting place"
            id1 = id2
            report(input_zoo, met, self_met)

def chameneosiate(n):

    let_them_meet(n, ['blue', 'red', 'yellow'])
    let_them_meet(n, ['blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'red', 'yellow',
                      'blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'red', 'blue'])
    #print ''


 make, command-line, and program output logs

 Fri, 09 Sep 2022 05:55:56 GMT

 /usr/bin/python3.12 chameneosredux.python-dev 6000000

blue + blue -> blue
blue + red -> yellow
blue + yellow -> red
red + blue -> yellow
red + red -> red
red + yellow -> blue
yellow + blue -> red
yellow + red -> blue
yellow + yellow -> yellow

 blue red yellow
3986997 zero
3993016 zero
4019987 zero
 one two zero zero zero zero zero zero

 blue red yellow red yellow blue red yellow red blue
1207651 zero
1207560 zero
1198284 zero
1204007 zero
1188910 zero
1200180 zero
1196258 zero
1199968 zero
1206432 zero
1190750 zero
 one two zero zero zero zero zero zero

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