Each table row shows performance measurements for this Graal program with a particular command-line input value N.
N | CPU secs | Elapsed secs | Memory KB | Code B | ≈ CPU Load |
2,098 | 15.04 | 4.84 | 1,102,264 | 1334 | 63% 9% 64% 30% 71% 6% 22% 52% |
Read the ↓ make, command line, and program output logs to see how this program was run.
Read meteor-contest benchmark to see what this program should do.
# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game # http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/ # # contributed by Daniel Nanz, 2008-08-21 # 2to3 import sys from bisect import bisect w, h = 5, 10 dir_no = 6 S, E = w * h, 2 SE = S + (E / 2) SW = SE - E W, NW, NE = -E, -SE, -SW def rotate(ido, rd={E: NE, NE: NW, NW: W, W: SW, SW: SE, SE: E}): return [rd[o] for o in ido] def flip(ido, fd={E: E, NE: SE, NW: SW, W: W, SW: NW, SE: NE}): return [fd[o] for o in ido] def permute(ido, r_ido, rotate=rotate, flip=flip): ps = [ido] for r in range(dir_no - 1): ps.append(rotate(ps[-1])) if ido == r_ido: # C2-symmetry ps = ps[0:dir_no//2] for pp in ps[:]: ps.append(flip(pp)) return ps def convert(ido): '''incremental direction offsets -> "coordinate offsets" ''' out = [0] for o in ido: out.append(out[-1] + o) return list(set(out)) def get_footprints(board, cti, pieces): fps = [[[] for p in range(len(pieces))] for ci in range(len(board))] for c in board: for pi, p in enumerate(pieces): for pp in p: fp = frozenset(cti[c + o] for o in pp if (c + o) in cti) if len(fp) == 5: fps[min(fp)][pi].append(fp) return fps def get_senh(board, cti): '''-> south-east neighborhood''' se_nh = [] nh = [E, SW, SE] for c in board: se_nh.append(frozenset(cti[c + o] for o in nh if (c + o) in cti)) return se_nh def get_puzzle(w=w, h=h): board = [E*x + S*y + (y%2) for y in range(h) for x in range(w)] cti = dict((board[i], i) for i in range(len(board))) idos = [[E, E, E, SE], # incremental direction offsets [SE, SW, W, SW], [W, W, SW, SE], [E, E, SW, SE], [NW, W, NW, SE, SW], [E, E, NE, W], [NW, NE, NE, W], [NE, SE, E, NE], [SE, SE, E, SE], [E, NW, NW, NW]] perms = (permute(p, idos[3]) for p in idos) # restrict piece 4 pieces = [[convert(pp) for pp in p] for p in perms] return (board, cti, pieces) def print_board(board, w=w, h=h): for y in range(h): for x in range(w): print(board[x + y * w], end=' ') print('') if y % 2 == 0: print('', end=' ') print() board, cti, pieces = get_puzzle() fps = get_footprints(board, cti, pieces) se_nh = get_senh(board, cti) def solve(n, i_min, free, curr_board, pieces_left, solutions, fps=fps, se_nh=se_nh, bisect=bisect): fp_i_cands = fps[i_min] for p in pieces_left: fp_cands = fp_i_cands[p] for fp in fp_cands: if fp <= free: n_curr_board = curr_board[:] for ci in fp: n_curr_board[ci] = p if len(pieces_left) > 1: n_free = free - fp n_i_min = min(n_free) if len(n_free & se_nh[n_i_min]) > 0: n_pieces_left = pieces_left[:] n_pieces_left.remove(p) solve(n, n_i_min, n_free, n_curr_board, n_pieces_left, solutions) else: s = ''.join(map(str, n_curr_board)) solutions.insert(bisect(solutions, s), s) rs = s[::-1] solutions.insert(bisect(solutions, rs), rs) if len(solutions) >= n: return if len(solutions) >= n: return return def main(n): free = frozenset(range(len(board))) curr_board = [-1] * len(board) pieces_left = list(range(len(pieces))) solutions = [] solve(n, 0, free, curr_board, pieces_left, solutions) print(len(solutions), 'solutions found\n') for i in (0, -1): print_board(solutions[i]) main(int(sys.argv[1]))
Tue, 07 Dec 2021 18:17:36 GMT COMMAND LINE: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-graalvm/bin/graalpython meteor.graal-3.graal 2098 PROGRAM OUTPUT: 2098 solutions found 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 0 1 2 6 6 1 1 2 6 1 5 5 8 6 5 5 5 8 6 3 3 3 4 8 8 9 3 4 4 8 9 3 4 7 4 7 9 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 6 6 8 5 6 6 8 8 5 6 8 2 5 5 7 7 7 2 5 7 4 7 2 0 1 4 2 2 0 1 4 4 0 3 1 4 0 0 3 1 1 3 3 3