Each table row shows performance measurements for this Nuitka program with a particular command-line input value N.
N | CPU secs | Elapsed secs | Memory KB | Code B | ≈ CPU Load |
10,000 | 0.08 | 0.08 | ? | 594 | 0% 89% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% |
Read the ↓ make, command line, and program output logs to see how this program was run.
Read k-nucleotide benchmark to see what this program should do.
# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game # http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/ # # submitted by Ian Osgood # modified by Sokolov Yura # modified by bearophile # 2to3 from sys import stdin def gen_freq(seq, frame, frequences): ns = len(seq) + 1 - frame frequences.clear() for ii in range(ns): nucleo = seq[ii:ii + frame] if nucleo in frequences: frequences[nucleo] += 1 else: frequences[nucleo] = 1 return ns, frequences def sort_seq(seq, length, frequences): n, frequences = gen_freq(seq, length, frequences) l = sorted(list(frequences.items()), reverse=True, key=lambda seq_freq: (seq_freq[1],seq_freq[0])) print('\n'.join("%s %.3f" % (st, 100.0*fr/n) for st,fr in l)) print() def find_seq(seq, s, frequences): n,t = gen_freq(seq, len(s), frequences) print("%d\t%s" % (t.get(s, 0), s)) def main(): frequences = {} for line in stdin: if line[0:3] == ">TH": break seq = [] for line in stdin: if line[0] in ">;": break seq.append( line[:-1] ) sequence = "".join(seq).upper() for nl in 1,2: sort_seq(sequence, nl, frequences) for se in "GGT GGTA GGTATT GGTATTTTAATT GGTATTTTAATTTATAGT".split(): find_seq(sequence, se, frequences) main()
Sun, 23 Apr 2023 09:20:42 GMT MAKE: make[1]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/dundee/work/pybenchmarks/bencher/tmp/knucleotide/tmp“ nuitka3 --remove-output knucleotide.nuitka Nuitka-Options:INFO: Used command line options: --remove-output knucleotide.nuitka Nuitka-Options:WARNING: You did not specify to follow or include anything but main program. Check options and make sure that is intended. Nuitka:INFO: Starting Python compilation with Nuitka '1.5' on Python '3.10' commercial grade 'not installed'. Nuitka:INFO: Completed Python level compilation and optimization. Nuitka:INFO: Generating source code for C backend compiler. Nuitka:INFO: Running data composer tool for optimal constant value handling. Nuitka:INFO: Running C compilation via Scons. Nuitka-Scons:INFO: Backend C compiler: gcc (gcc). Nuitka-Scons:INFO: Backend linking program with 7 files (no progress information available). Nuitka-Scons:WARNING: You are not using ccache. Nuitka:INFO: Removing build directory 'knucleotide.nuitka.build'. Nuitka:INFO: Successfully created 'knucleotide.nuitka.bin'. cp knucleotide.nuitka.bin knucleotide.nuitka_run make[1]: Opouští se adresář „/home/dundee/work/pybenchmarks/bencher/tmp/knucleotide/tmp“ 14.36s to complete and log all make actions COMMAND LINE: ./knucleotide.nuitka_run 0 < knucleotide-input10000.txt PROGRAM OUTPUT: A 30.284 T 29.796 C 20.312 G 19.608 AA 9.212 AT 8.950 TT 8.948 TA 8.936 CA 6.166 CT 6.100 AC 6.086 TC 6.042 AG 6.036 GA 5.968 TG 5.868 GT 5.798 CC 4.140 GC 4.044 CG 3.906 GG 3.798 562 GGT 152 GGTA 15 GGTATT 0 GGTATTTTAATT 0 GGTATTTTAATTTATAGT