Each table row shows performance measurements for this Nuitka program with a particular command-line input value N.
N | CPU secs | Elapsed secs | Memory KB | Code B | ≈ CPU Load |
10 | 8.08 | 2.08 | 60,196 | 1271 | 94% 4% 5% 98% 2% 95% 97% 1% |
Read the ↓ make, command line, and program output logs to see how this program was run.
Read fannkuch-redux benchmark to see what this program should do.
# The Computer Language Benchmarks Game # http://benchmarksgame.alioth.debian.org/ # # contributed by Miroslav Rubanets # algorithm is based on Java 6 source code by Oleg Mazurov # source is based on Miroslav Rubanets' C++ submission. # converted to python by Ian P. Cooke import sys from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool MAX_PROBLEM_SIZE = 12 MAX_CPU_LIMIT = 4 class Result: def __init__(self, maxflips=0, checksum=0): self.maxflips = maxflips self.checksum = checksum def accumulate(self, other): self.maxflips = max( self.maxflips, other.maxflips ); self.checksum += other.checksum; class PermutationGenerator: def __init__(self, length, factorials, idx): self.perm = [0] * MAX_PROBLEM_SIZE self.count = [0] * MAX_PROBLEM_SIZE self.length = length self.factorials = factorials self.first_permutation( idx ) def first_permutation( self, idx ): pp = [0] * MAX_PROBLEM_SIZE p = list(range(MAX_PROBLEM_SIZE)) for i in range( self.length - 1, 0, -1 ): d = idx // self.factorials[i] self.count[i] = d idx = idx % self.factorials[i] pp[:i+1] = p[:i+1] for j in range(0, i+1): if j+d <= i: p[j] = pp[j+d] else: p[j] = pp[j+d-i-1] self.perm[:self.length] = p[:self.length] def next_permutation( self ): #rotate first = self.perm[0] self.perm[0] = self.perm[1] self.perm[1] = first self.count[1] += 1 i=1 while self.count[i] > i: self.count[i] = 0 i += 1 if i >= MAX_PROBLEM_SIZE: break self.count[i] += 1 #rotate first = self.perm[0] self.perm[:i] = self.perm[1:i+1] self.perm[i] = first def task_body( length, factorials, first_index, last_index ): try: g = PermutationGenerator(length, factorials, first_index) maxflips = 0 checksum = 0 for i in range(first_index, last_index): data = [0] * MAX_PROBLEM_SIZE flips = 0; f = g.perm[0]; if f > 0: data[:length] = g.perm[:length] while True: data[:f+1] = data[f::-1] #reverse flips += 1 f = data[0] if f == 0: break maxflips = max(maxflips, flips) checksum += flips if i%2 == 0 else -flips g.next_permutation() except: import traceback; traceback.print_exc() return Result(maxflips=maxflips, checksum=checksum) def create_factorials(length): factorials = [0] * (MAX_PROBLEM_SIZE+1) factorials[0] = 1 for i in range(1, length+1): factorials[i] = factorials[i-1]*i; return factorials usage = """usage fannkuchredux number number has to be in range [3-12]\n"""; def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print(usage) return 1 length = int(sys.argv[1]) if length < 3 or length > MAX_PROBLEM_SIZE: print(usage) return 2 n = min( cpu_count(), MAX_CPU_LIMIT ) processors = Pool(processes=n) factorials = create_factorials(length) result = Result() index = 0 index_max = factorials[length] index_step = (index_max + n-1) // n for i in range(0,n): processors.apply_async(task_body, [ length, factorials, index, index + index_step], callback=result.accumulate) index += index_step processors.close() processors.join() processors.terminate() print("%d\nPfannkuchen(%d) = %d" % ( result.checksum, length, result.maxflips) ) return 0 main()
Sun, 23 Apr 2023 09:02:48 GMT MAKE: make[1]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/dundee/work/pybenchmarks/bencher/tmp/fannkuchredux/tmp“ nuitka3 --remove-output fannkuchredux.nuitka Nuitka-Options:INFO: Used command line options: --remove-output fannkuchredux.nuitka Nuitka-Options:WARNING: You did not specify to follow or include anything but main program. Check options and make sure that is intended. Nuitka:INFO: Starting Python compilation with Nuitka '1.5' on Python '3.10' commercial grade 'not installed'. Nuitka-Plugins:INFO: multiprocessing: Injecting pre-module load code for module 'multiprocessing': Nuitka-Plugins:INFO: multiprocessing: Monkey patching "multiprocessing" load environment. Nuitka-Plugins:INFO: multiprocessing: Injecting post-module load code for module 'multiprocessing': Nuitka-Plugins:INFO: multiprocessing: Monkey patching "multiprocessing" for compiled methods. Nuitka:INFO: Completed Python level compilation and optimization. Nuitka:INFO: Generating source code for C backend compiler. Nuitka:INFO: Running data composer tool for optimal constant value handling. Nuitka:INFO: Running C compilation via Scons. Nuitka-Scons:INFO: Backend C compiler: gcc (gcc). Nuitka-Scons:INFO: Backend linking program with 10 files (no progress information available). Nuitka-Scons:WARNING: You are not using ccache. Nuitka:INFO: Removing build directory 'fannkuchredux.nuitka.build'. Nuitka:INFO: Successfully created 'fannkuchredux.nuitka.bin'. cp fannkuchredux.nuitka.bin fannkuchredux.nuitka_run make[1]: Opouští se adresář „/home/dundee/work/pybenchmarks/bencher/tmp/fannkuchredux/tmp“ 20.45s to complete and log all make actions COMMAND LINE: ./fannkuchredux.nuitka_run 10 PROGRAM OUTPUT: 73196 Pfannkuchen(10) = 38