Python Interpreters Benchmarks
x64 ArchLinux : AMD® Ryzen 7 4700U®

$c){ if ($c[0] < $b1){ $cols[$col][$i] = $k; $i++; } } $n = $i; } else { foreach($Centers as $k => $c){ if ($c[0] >= $b0 && $c[0] < $b1){ $r = rowmatch($i,$n,$k,$cols,$Centers); $cols[$col][$r] = $k; $i = $r + 1; } } $n = ($n > $i) ? $n : $i; } } return array($n,$cols); } function finetune($n,$cols0,$Centers){ $colrow = array(); foreach($cols0 as $c => $a){ foreach($a as $r => $k){ $colrow[$k] = array($c,$r); } } $cols = array(); $edge = sizeof($cols0)-1; $keys = array_keys(array_reverse($Centers)); foreach($keys as $k){ $cr = $colrow[$k]; $col = $cr[0]; if ($col==$edge){ $cols[$col][ $cr[1] ] = $k; } else { $r = rowmatch($cr[1],$n,$k,$cols0,$Centers); while ($r > $cr[1] && isset($cols[$col][$r])){ $r--; } $cols[$col][$r] = $k; } } // we might have emptied some row - get rid of empty rows for ($r=0; $r<$n; $r++){ $before[$r] = $r; } $after = array(); foreach($cols as $c => $a){ foreach($a as $r => $k){ $after[$r] = $r; } } $empty = array_keys( array_diff($before,$after)); ksort($empty); if (sizeof($empty)>0){ foreach($cols as $c => $a){ $flip = array_flip($a); foreach($empty as $e){ foreach($flip as $k => $v){ if ($v > $e){ $flip[$k] = $v-1; } } } $shifted[$c] = array_flip($flip); } } else { $shifted = $cols; } return array($n-sizeof($empty),$shifted); } list($n,$cols) = leftToRight($bounds,$Centers); list($n,$cols) = finetune($n,$cols,$Centers); ?>

"What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know, it's what we know for sure that just ain't so."

 Code-used Time-used Shapes [30 Jul 2023 u64q]

From more-concise at page left to less-concise at the right, from slower at page top to faster at the bottom.

These scatter plots show the fastest programs contributed for each programming language implementation, measured on this computer -- so they don't show ↓ slower more-concise programs that still seem relatively fast.

These are not the only programs that could be written. These are not the only programming languages. These are not the only compilers and interpreters. These are not the only tasks that could be solved. These are just 10 tiny examples.

 about Code-used Time-used Shapes

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